Field Recording


Field Recording OFFSHORE

This time I found myself on Lake Como for a business visit. I had with me the zoom f3 and a microphone dpa 4099 (I use it with the classical guitar and the oud). I know very well that it is not the right microphone for this type of listening, but in the absence of anything else, I tried to record . I was not aware of this event otherwise I would have brought another type of microphone. In any case it is always a great microphone. I had to work a lot with cubase equalizers, like frequency! I also decided to create a small clip especially because the lake is certainly beautiful to see even on a very crowded and noisy day.

Russo Antonino · OFFSHORE EVENT


Nuova avventura con il Recorder(Zoom f3) ed il microfono Sennheiser mkh416.Questa volta sono partito con il treno verso Nizza. Questa e’ una città’ con molto traffico: tram, treni, macchine, ecc.... Mi sono posizionato con il mio microfono in un punto dove si sentivano di continuo tutti questi suoni tipici di una grande città’.Ho effettuato tutte registrazioni in mono.Poi in post produzione mi sono divertito a creare un paesaggio sonoro tipico di una citta’ grande.In circa 2 ore di riprese video e audio, ho archiviato del buon materiale per creare questo clip.

Russo Antonino · TRAFFIC

field Recording SEA

I decided to record the sea with the Aquarian H2a hydrophone and at the same time with the Sennheiser mkh 416 (directed towards the hydrophone), so I made a stereo record. Then I loaded the sounds with separate channels into Cubase 12pro to be able to work on the tracks independently. In this video the audio of the Aquarian H2a is always heard. Sennheiser is deactivated only when the image of the video showed the microphone in the sea. I then tried to put some effects (REVence) and I got interesting sounds!



Excursion into the wild with my Parabolic Microphones DODOTRONIC and ZOOM F3 RECORDER. I was lucky again this summer! I found so many sounds of insects and birds. With this new setup, I can move easily through the trees. the setup is light and the sound is amazing!


Field Recording with Contact microphones

Reverse Crusher with two contact microphones: from raw sound to sound effect. Pigiatrice al contrario con due microfoni a contatto.Dal suono grezzo al Sound Effect. Contact microphone: Schertler Basik Right Unknown LEFT ZOOM F3

Russo Antonino · Contact microphones

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