Field Recording



GOUTA Domenica 13 marzo 2022 Durante una nevicata sulle Alpi Liguri (Gouta), ho effettuato una registrazione ambientale con la parabola Dodotronic. La neve non molto fredda quindi pesante e rumorosa era la tonica dominante di questo luogo, fortunatamente poco frequentato quel giorno. La presenza dell'uomo appunto quasi assente. Questo mi ha permesso di registrare per lunghi periodi. Per proteggere l'attrezzatura, mi sono posizionato sotto un albero fitto e sotto il tetto del bagagliaio dell'auto. Sunday 13 March 2022.(FIELD RECORDING NATURE). During a snowfall in the Ligurian Alps (Gouta), I made an environmental recording with the Dodotronic Parabolic microphone. The snow that was not very cold and therefore heavy and noisy was the dominant tonic of this place, fortunately not very populated that day. The presence of man almost non-existent. This allowed me to recording the sound for long periods. To protect the equipment, I positioned myself under a tree and under the roof of the trunk of the car.


Breve giretto mattutino all' Oasi del Nervia con Parabola Dodotronic per udire e ammirare.. Trovandosi in prossimità' della strada, della ferrovia,(anche la tramontana non aiuta) e' difficile avere una registrazione pulita. In ogni caso il paesaggio sonoro e' unico!


After a good friend of mine lent me this pair of fantastic microphones (audio-technica at3032), I decided to create a video of field recording in the traffic of the city near my house. The recorder I used is the Tascam dr44wl. I limited myself to putting a windscreen in front of the microphones because the wind was almost absent. In post production I didn't equalize the sound. I left it flat to really hear the original sound of these omnidirectional microphones. I placed them parallel at a distance of 60 centimeters.


nature sound recording with parabolic microphone DODOTRONIC and TASCAM DR44WL. I Checked the volume with the Dr Control App by Tascam Field Recording a few kilometers from the sea in a sound environment far from human presence ..


In this new adventure I have decided to combine the sounds of nature with artificial sounds in the same song. Indeed in this mystical landscape the sounds of birds and the sounds of cars alternate. the sounds of nature were recorded at sunrise a few kilometers from the place of the video, away from traffic with my Dodotronic parabolic microphone, connected to the Tascam dr44wl. The video was recorded with the Sony Alpha 7iii. Audio editing with cubase pro 11. Video editing with final cut pro. A mystical experience in a fascinating place

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